FIDE’s INFINITE CHESS Project aims to increase knowledge and awareness of chess for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), give practical advice to teachers and parents, study the benefits of introducing to chess and develop various teaching methods. Project Leader – Anastasia Sorokina.

In 2019, the Infinite Chess Project started in Belarus, when the Belarus Chess Federation launched 4 pilot groups of 4 people each. In January 2021 a pilot project was launched in 6 countries: Spain, Turkey, France, Gibraltar, South Africa and Norway. In Spring 2021 an introductory FIDE seminar had taken place, attracting 130 participants from more than 50 countries.

On October 2-3, 2021, FIDE has organized the 2nd FIDE Educational Seminar “Chess for children with an autism spectrum disorder. Learn and teach”. It was an inter-commission effort, put in by the FIDE Chess in Education Commission, Commission for the Disabled and FIDE Social Commission. The main goal of this two-day seminar was to provide core knowledge and practical advice for teachers, trainers, and parents who wish to teach chess to kids with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.



Having the support of the International Olympic Committee, the first educational programme was launched: “Methodological guide for teachers to conduct chess classes when working with children with autism spectrum disorder”. In the meantime, an Erasmus funding application was submitted in order to carry out a large research.

Starting September 2022, the project is developed in various Asian countries as well.

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